The City Montessori School in Lucknow, India, is the largest school in the world in terms of number of students, with more than 32,000 students.
3. Pakistan does not give children a legal right to free education. Only children between the ages of 5 and 9 are entitled to compulsory education.
The students in China receive the most homework in the world. At an average, teenagers do a whopping 14 hours of homework in a week. Consider yourself lucky, you didn’t have to!
Summer vacations in Chile start from mid-December and end in early March. That’s 3 whole months away from school.
France has the shortest school year from August to June and also the longest school day.
Kids in Japan are the most independent of the lot. They travel to school alone, clean their own classrooms and even carry lunch.
There are no janitors or canteens in the schools.
Children in Germany receive a special cone called Schultüte, which is filled with pens, pencils, books and snacks.
But the catch is that they can only open it when they start school. I guess, they are the only kids who’ll be excited about school, all because of the presents.
Turin has the smallest school in the world with only one pupil. Confused if we should be happy for the child or pity him/her?
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In Holland, children start school on the day they turn 4, which means that there’s always someone new in the class.
Doesn’t it get confusing for the teacher as well as the students?
Kids in Finland do not start school until the age of 7, which is one of the oldest ages around the world to start school.
World’s oldest school is in Canterbury, England. The King’s School, as it is named, was founded in 597 AD.
The school is up-to-date with quality equipment and supplies and provides modern education.
In Kenya, it is not mandatory for children to go to school, but they mostly go anyway. Bless them!
by Ayushi Sareen | www.scoopwhoop.com PHOTO: www.world-schools.com
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