Akin Savage
Ascentix Development Limited.
The writer and consultant bring expertise and experience to education from over three decades in business development. They have worked in various sectors, including shipping, oil and gas, publishing, insurance, finance, IT, fintech, and commodity trading. The writer was appointed as Ambassador for Strategic Partnerships by Africa House under the office of the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, facilitating collaboration between entities globally. They have worked with government agencies to draft public policy and have done business in over 84 countries worldwide and 5 continents.
The writer's consulting work focuses on driving growth and innovation through policy development and implementation to promote economic development and social progress. They have a proven track record of crafting engaging and informative content in articles, blog posts, and educational materials. Proficiency in management, mentorship, stakeholder engagement, risk mitigation, communication, business analysis, and strategy has been demonstrated throughout their career, leading to success in various endeavors.
Committed to creating informative and engaging content, the writer's passion for education and expertise in business development make them an ideal candidate for writing educational pieces for publications in Nigeria. Their strategic mindset and innovative problem-solving approach have been instrumental in their success, showcasing a dedication to inspiring readers to take action through their work.
B.A. (Hons) in Theology from the University of Ghana, Legon
Diploma in Project Management from Houston University, Downtown.
Business Analysis certification
Consulting Experience:
Consultant, Government Agency (Nigeria)
Consultant, Private Sector (Nigeria)
Consulting for office of the Mayor of London
Writing Experience:
Writer, Various Publications and blogs.
Mentoring Experience:
Mentor, Business Professionals, Executives, Entrepreneurs, and Youth
Contact Information:
savageakin33@gmail.com instragram-mirror_mentor, FB. Akin Savage, Tiktok:akinsavage6.
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© 2024 EduTimesAfrica - Premium Education news & magazine platform by Education Times Africa.