Cambridge Dictionary defined metamorphosis as a complete change in character, appearance or condition. When metamorphosis occurs, a person or thing develops and changes into something completely different. School Metamorphosis can be likened to school transformation.This has to do with the development and changes that will transform your school.
The process involved in metamorphosis varies depending on the phase you are in presently. Each phase has a series of changes which can be quite demanding to you as an individual and to the school community. but the end result will be remarkable.
I will encourage you to go through these stages so you can emerge as one of the leading schools in your location or state. A butterfly goes through 4 stages in order to be transformed, your school can also go several stages and more than the life cycle of a butterfly or less. Make sure you go through it so you and school can be relevant in this contemporary world.
You will know if you change by the challenges you encounter. You will be able to resolve old challenges and move to another one if you are growing. If you keep solving or having the same issues, it could mean that you are still at that same level.
Change will reflect in both internal and external features. We should be able to see the changes in your pupils/students, teachers (discipline and achievement) through the system and structure. Growth and change is encompassing, it is not isolated. Development is also glaring as it cannot be hidden.
There are a lot of things you can do, never assume you can’t do something. Time is also a factor so, do not fold your hands and cross your legs, you can do some things even without necessarily starting with money. I’m not saying money is not important. Action is key but the right action is the master key.
You need to answer these questions?
What can you do to transform your school?
What should you stop doing in your school?
What input can you add to your school?
What support do you need?
How will you go about it?
Who do you need?
Few tips to metamorphose your school as a school owner.
1. Write your vision and stay focus
2. Recruit based on merit and values.
3. Lead by example.
4. Set a long term improvement plan
5. Communicate the school policy to all
6. Speak to experts and many more!
According to John C. Maxwell, everything rises and falls on the leadership, the change starts with you as a school leader.
Go transform your school, education and the world at large.