Mirror is derived from the Latin word ‘mirari’ meaning to see and admire. First thing first, you need to see before you can admire.
Some of the questions you need to ask yourself include the followings:
What can I see?
What does the mirror show?
What does the school reflect?
What pattern does school show?
What is your school culture?
Who follows the school policy?
What is your school displaying to the school community?
What are the qualities parents admire in school?
What message is the school communicating to the students, teachers, parents?
The Law of Mirror
Universal Law of the Mirror according to Coaching and Leadership International says, “What I see in others is a reflection of what I see in myself.”
This gives you an image of what is happening in and out of the school. What you directly or indirectly communicate as a teacher or school leader will be observed by the pupils and students.
Robert Allen says, “There is no failure, only feedback.” I think there’s something to that. If it doesn’t work, you will discover information and feedback that will help your school to grow. Some of the feedback and reactions that you get from your students, teachers, parents and the community will mirror what happens in and out of the school.
Mirroring is the behavior in which someone subconsciously imitates another gesture, attitude, speech pattern, behavioural pattern of another even without noticing.
Students, teachers can mirror the school, and even school can mirror another school. The challenge with a school mirroring another school is in their alignment of the culture and vision of the school?
There was a time my son, while he was in Basic three, rules his book and underlines answers when solving mathematics in a stroke manner. I was curious and corrected him, he said that’s the way his teacher wants it done. Teachers should be able to give reasons and avoid ignoring the necessary objective in achieving a task.
The environment you create either conducive or tense, caring and supporting will reflect on the students, teacher and the whole school community.
In Conclusion, you need clear illumination as a school leader/owner to be able to see what your action and in-action is mirroring to the school community. This will show you insight to what is actually happening in your school. Do not ignore the occurrences, feedbacks and reports you get in your school, these are clues for observation and evaluation.