So I shared some early morning coffee thoughts about money on my Secondary school group platform and have decided to share it here also. It may help to tune our mindset.
Spiritual Wealth 101 principles around the 3-M’s of money.
Make, Manage and Multiply.
“After getting what you prayed for, pray for discipline to keep it and wisdom to multiply it.”
To have enduring wealth and to be free from anxiety, especially as some of us approach retirement, we need to X-ray our habits, thoughts and behaviour towards what I call the 3 money M’s above.
Most people are unaware that there are 3 pillars required for them to have a decent and successful life around their interactions and ideas with money and their finances.
Due to poor financial literacy in our society generally and the tendency to misrepresent the holy books such as the Bible (the teachings on wealth e.g. the love of money, etc.) many people WILL sadly fail to take the right actions or develop the mindset that they need have from a young age, thereby almost certainly condemning themselves to a future of suffering and difficulties despite their diligence and desire to prosper.
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Many also, because of a very narrow view of money and wealth, will never get to know what it’s all about or come to the knowledge that it’s a game worth understanding and playing right. Simply because it affects just about everything. If only the educational sector would also make the necessary adjustment to reflect this reality. Financial literacy is key to succeed in life.
Many of us focus ONLY on the first pillar which is “to make money” and that represents the peak of our financial system and wealth understanding. Perhaps we can add, having some savings as well. And there ends the understanding of money matters, financial plans and literacy, for the majority of Nigerians.
This view is very costly and dangerous indeed, not just because it can spell doom for the individual (consciously and unconsciously) to ONLY strive to make money, without focusing on the other two M’s (Manage and Multiply) but because one then becomes a slave to what develops into an unending process of striving to make more money. To make matters worse for many of us who find ourselves in this state is that we usually ONLY have one source of income or business – a job, or income from the E-Quadrant. (Please read the Best Seller book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki asap).
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Unfortunately, people trapped in this state become the object of terrible internal turmoil and soon dovetail into an abyss of great fear, often regardless of how much they earn. As we age, worried as new life stages approach (e.g. children moving up to secondary school or gaining admission to university etc), we do what we know best, which is “Work harder for money” (pillar-1, make more money) seeing it as the only solution….