“Let your dreams push you…instead of your fears.”
– Zara Hairston.
There are two Latin words for the word “motivate”. They are: “movere” and “propello”. They both mean to drive (away), propel, punch, push, impel, induce, force, compel (for example, to drive a vehicle). What is motivation? The word “motivation” can be defined as the psychological quality that stimulates, stirs up or rouses an organism or entity to action toward a desired goal. It is the reason for the action. It is that which provides purpose and direction to behaviour. It is the spark that keeps you going when the going gets tough. It means to drive, inspire, propel, push, impel, induce, force, compel or punch yourself to achieve your dreams.
There are two forms of motivation: External/ extrinsic motivation (from the outside) and internal/intrinsic motivation (from the inside). Germany Kent said: “Never underestimate the power you have to take your life in a new direction.” You are the best person to propel, drive, inspire or motivate yourself toward the achievement of your dreams and goals in life, not people.
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The main point in the game of life is to have personal motivation and to maintain one’s momentum. Personal motivation is magical. We often wait for people, money, resources, etc., to drive or propel us into action because we are afraid we might fail if we drive ourselves. But we need to change such mental orientation because life requires us to take the driver’s seat or steering wheels of our own lives or else it would take it for us.
As our sense of personal motivation increases, our fears of failure decrease. By doing the very thing we fear, we tap into our magical force of personal motivation, we tap into the force that guides and guards us, unleashing the power that will take us far in life. However, if we give in to our fear and avoid taking chances, we can never motivate or propel ourselves. Push yourself because no one else will do it for you. Don’t be afraid to fail; be afraid not to try. You learn more from failure than from success. Failure builds character.
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The first place where self-motivation begins its journey is within us. Create new ideas. Set new goals. Focus on your dreams. Stay positive. Believe in yourself. Challenge yourself. Push yourself daily. Don’t wait for someone else to push you. Constantly push yourself higher and harder until you reach your goals. Push yourself to the limit. You are your own best motivator in realizing your desired goals and dreams. Your self-motivation is your inner strength. You are the driver of your own dreams. Personal motivation is not an illusive power; it is a real power that resides in us. It is the ultimate key to success in life.