While scrolling through my Facebook feed on Thursday, I came across a flood of advertisements from a certain brand (name withheld) that consistently used the term “screen touch” to convince users to download their application on their Android or iOS smartphones. The bold headline that stood out in the content was: “No one using a screen touch should be broke in this internet age”, which stuck with me and inspired today’s lesson for all grammar enthusiasts.
Unconsciously, every use of English in the media space directly or indirectly influences our communication skills. This is why it is crucial for all users of the language to actively listen to good speakers in order to filter out incorrect expressions and strive towards fluency in verbal communication and proficiency in written communication. Books, particularly those edited by inexperienced editors, are also filled with frustrating errors and mistakes that loudly signal mediocrity.
Repeatedly, I searched through reliable and widely recognized dictionaries on Google to confirm the authenticity of “screen touch” instead of “touch screen”. Without any surprise, I observed that the commonly adopted word is incorrect as its mysterious origin remains a lodestone in the chambers of my heart. For instance, the Cambridge Dictionary defines touch screen as “a screen on a computer, phone, etc. that you touch in order to give it instructions, rather than using a keyboard or keypad.” None of the other entries suggest that it is an alternative to the inaccurate version popularized, especially in Nigerian English.
Study the following expressions:
The renowned professor recently purchased a screen touch for his son, who graduated with a first-class degree from Lifeline University. (Incorrect)
The renowned professor recently purchased a touchscreen for his son, who graduated with a first-class degree from Lifeline University. (Correct)
In addition, “touch screen” can also be spelled as “touchscreen”, as its first known use was in 1974.
Convoke or Convocate?
Most Nigerian universities hold their convocation yearly with a series of activities organized to mark the events. But the accompanying grammatical expressions from the excited graduates and well-wishers need to be thoroughly visited in today’s class. First off, the word “convocate” is archaic and nonstandard. Expressions like: “My sister convocated at the university in July” are considered incorrect. After studying articles refuting the claims that the word is correct, I conducted research and discovered that “covocate” is not even recognized among native speakers.
“Convoke” is the correct word to use when universities invite individuals to their graduation ceremonies.
Study the following examples:
The University of Lagos held its convocation in January. (Correct)
The University of Lagos convoked in January. (Correct)
The University of Lagos convocated in January. (Incorrect)
My friend convocated at Paradise University. (Incorrect)
My friend convoked at Paradise University. (Incorrect)
My friend’s school Paradise University convoked. (Correct)
My friend’s school Paradise University held its convocation. (Correct)
Do you offer any courses?
I find it interesting that many students use the term “offer” when talking about their courses at school, such as saying “I am offering ENG 521”. In proper English, it is actually the departments of schools (universities, polytechnics, colleges of education, monotechnics) that “offer” courses, not individual students. Students take courses, universities offer them, and lecturers are responsible for teaching them.
The students offered SOS 123 last semester. (Incorrect)
The students took SOS 123 last semester. (Correct)
Paulina offered a course in English Phonology last October. (Incorrect)
Paulina took a course in English Phonology last October. (Correct)
The polytechnic offers 70 courses. (Correct)
The commission mandated technical schools to offer courses on welding. (Correct)
Choose the correct answer for each of the following questions:
- The rector advised the students against using a _________ laptop. (a) touchscreen (b) screen touch (c) touchy screen
- _____ offer courses, while students take them. (a) universities (b) schools (universities, polytechnics, monotechnics, colleges of education) (c) NUC
- Her brother ______ the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination last week. (a) wrote (b) sat for (c) writes
______________________ Samuel Tolulope Alimi is the founder and lead scholar at English TV, an online platform dedicated to teaching the English language on various social media platforms. He earned a BA (Ed) from the prestigious Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ogun State, where he majored in English and Education. As a Grammar Columnist at Peoples Daily newspaper, one of the foremost and trusted national newspapers, he writes about Nigerian English on Page 23 of every Saturday's publication, with his column titled "Common Errors in English with Samuel Alimi." His writings have attracted considerable readership across several states, with over 30 detailed articles published. Samuel is a goal-oriented ambassador of Scholarship IQ, promoting its mission to build the world's largest African student directory in two local governments in Nasarawa State, Nigeria. He has also gained hands-on experience in ghostwriting autobiographies, community service, and research through his internship at SO41 Educational Consultancy, Ogun State. LinkedIn: Samuel Tolulope Alimi samueltolulopealimi@gmail.com