A stakeholder is anyone who is involved in the welfare and success of a school and its students including administration, teachers, staff, student, parents, community members, school board members. The last definition mentioned the different positions of the stakeholders.
Do you ask yourself as a stakeholder, what are your primary role and secondary role are? What are your responsibilities and input to education? Although the Government and the immediate leadership of the school; school owner/board of Directors play cogent roles to make education suitable for all. According to John C Maxwell, Everything rises and falls on Leadership.
Stakeholders are key players in making education work. The role of stakeholders in education is indispensable else failure is inevitable. Firstly, awareness about what you need to do to improve the state of education in our own little corner even as a student is important. You need to plan, participate, share relevant information and complain to the necessary authority where needed. This will give rise to better outcomes, support the school community, and help to make significant decisions. Asking the right questions and holding yourself accountable will go a long way in bridging the gap.
Education can be likened to a tree that needs the right soil to grow, root for stability, water to nourish the system, manure to fertilise the environment and teachers to cultivate it. The tree will produce and develop the leaves, stem and fruit which will appear to others in the course of time. Stakeholders all have their roles to play just like the various parts of the tree functions accordingly.
A School leader should endeavour to have a balance of power in his/her school. There should be room for accountability, communication and improvement. Communicate your expectations and meet their expectations too. School leaders should improve themselves because as you grow and improve so does your school and members too.
If you truly want to change the world, then the change begins with you. This will extend to your environment and the rest of the world. You have a big role to play as a stakeholder, play it well as if it’s a win or lose affair.
Give it your best shot!